Irene Ranzato
The Dialects in Audiovisuals project is coordinated by Irene Ranzato. Irene Ranzato is associate professor of English Language and Translation at Rome Sapienza University. She holds a PhD in Translation Studies (Imperial College London) and is Honorary Research Associate at UCL (University College London). She is vice editor of the Sapienza journal Status Quaestionis and editor of the Estuary series on language varieties of Bulzoni (Rome). She has created the website Dialects in Audiovisuals on the varieties of British English in cinema and TV. Her research lies at the intersection of linguistic and cultural issues and focuses on the linguistic analysis of film and television dialogue, with a keen interest in British dialects. Among her most recent publications are the books: Translating Culture Specific References - The Case of Dubbing (Routledge 2016), Queen’s English?: Gli accenti dell’Inghilterra (Bulzoni 2017); the co-edited collections: Linguistic and Cultural Representation in Audiovisual Translation (2018), Mediating Lingua-cultural Scenarios in Audiovisual Translation (Cultus 2018); Audiovisual Translation: Intersections (Perspectives 2019), Reassessing Dubbing: Historical Approaches and Current Trends (Benjamins 2019), The Dialects of British English in Fictional Texts (Routledge 2021). She recently contributed chapters to The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (2020) and The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Feminism and Gender (2020).
Arianna Altilio
Arianna Altilio attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University in Rome, and graduated with a thesis on Antisemitism during the Elizabethan period. She is currently attending the MA course in English and Anglo-American studies. She is interested in sociolinguistics, British and American language and culture, as well as audiovisual translation, movies and TV series.
Leonardo Bagnulo
Leonardo Bagnulo is an MA student at Sapienza University of Rome. He graduated at Roma Tre University, with a BA thesis on Shakespeare's Richard II titled "Riccardo II di Shakespeare, il ruolo del pubblico nella deposizione del Re", while he's now working on the anonymous Elizabethan text generally known as "Thomas of Woodstock". His interests range from European drama literature to Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy.
Ambra Baldazzi
Ambra Baldazzi attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. She wrote her BA thesis on "Dark Ladies in the Shakespearean literary universe". She is currently attending the MA course of English and Anglo-American Studies and she is interested in the varieties of English and in audiovisual and literary translation. She is also passionate about fantasy genre, Ancient Egypt and videogames.
Asia Battiloro
Asia Battiloro is an MA student at Sapienza University of Rome. She graduated from Roma Tre University with a BA thesis in Germanic philology focussed on the inter-cultural, inter-linguistic and inter-religious syncretism of the Christian and Germanic legacies, as evident in Caedmon’s Hymn and The Dream of the Rood. She is currently working on her MA thesis on Kazuo Ishiguro and the postmodern features of his novel The Buried Giant. She is interested in English literature, with special regard to postmodernism and the semiotics of space in 19th and 20th century British novel.
Paolo Campoli
I’m a SLLT student at Sapienza. The languages I chose to study are English and Russian. I graduated from Roma Tre University, with a BA thesis on Shakespeare’s Hamlet titled “The theme of revenge in Hamlet”. During my bachelor degree studies I had the chance to study abroad, in Brighton, where I became familiar with the varieties of English language, especially those of British English. I’m interested in history, films, Tv series and in dubbing the varieties of British English. I’m also interested in contemporary British literature, I’m a fan of Ishiguro’s novels. My hobbies are swimming, surfing, trekking, bicycling and football.
Valeria Ciavaglia
Valeria Ciavaglia is interested in literature, adaptations of classics on screen and audiovisual and literary translation. She graduated at the University of Rome – La Sapienza with a thesis titled “Anna Karenina: the Screenplay of Tom Stoppard” in which she analysed the film of 2012 by Joe Wright. Her MA thesis focuses on how poems are played in English films and dubbed in Italian versions.
Alberto Dall'Olio
Alberto Dall'Olio is interested in dialectology, sociolinguistics, translation studies and audiovisual translation. He wrote a BA thesis on the translation of social and geographical varieties titled "Cockney: the Dialect of London in Mike Leigh's Films". His MA thesis, titled "Oh! What a Lovely War - A Linguistic Analysis of War Language in Audiovisuals", focused on war speech in the Great War and its audiovisual representation. Other research interests include the studies on crisis and war translation, intersemiotic translation, history of the English language and literature.
Jessica De Almeida Fernandes
Jessica De Almeida Fernandes attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome and she is currently attending the MA course in Scienze Lingustiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione. She wrote her BA thesis on the children literature of the Victorian period, analyzing Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Pan and A Christmas Carol. She is a theatre lover interested in literature, dubbing and audiovisual adaptations.
Roberto De Marco
Roberto De Marco wrote a BA thesis on the comparative translation analysis of 3 different Italian adaptations of Melville's 'Moby Dick'. He is interested in the varieties of British English, audiovisual and literary translation and Spanish language and culture that he had the opportunity to appreciate during the Erasmus experience in Salamanca.
Sara Di Bari
Sara Di Bari is currently attending the MA course in Scienze linguistiche, letterarie e della traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. She graduated in BA course on Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione with a thesis on the literature of the Victorian period. She is interested in the varieties of British and American English and in audiovisual and literary translation.
Valentina Donati
Valentina Donati attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome, and graduated translating some short stories from the book The Lamp at Noon and Other Stories by Sinclair Ross. She is now attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione and currently working on her MA thesis, a translation of the book Girls at War and Other Stories by Chinua Achebe. Valentina is interested in literary and audiovisual translation and has a huge passion for tv series and books, especially those which deal with dystopian themes.
Fabiola Ferritto
Fabiola Ferritto is currently enrolled in a Master’s degree in “Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione” at Sapienza – University of Rome. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the same University and worked on a dissertation about the dilemma between language and identity in African Postcolonial Literature in English, exploring the figure of Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe. Translation is one of her greatest passions, but other interests range from sociolinguistics to accents and dialects and from narrative to poetry, especially postcolonial writings.
Cassandra Angelica Fusco
Cassandra Angelica Fusco attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Rome University – Sapienza. Her BA thesis in German Literature titled Paul Celan: “L’Accaduto” e “La svolta del respiro”, dealt with the possibility of keeping on writing poetry after the Holocaust. She is now an MA student of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione, who has developed a particular interest in translation, linguistics, and all the history and the philosophy behind these two fields of study.
Alessio Gatti
Alessio Gatti attended the BA course in Mediazione Linguistica e Interculturale at Sapienza University of Rome. He graduated in 2018 with a thesis about an analysis of Italian linguistic influence on Rioplatense Spanish, titled “«¡Quisto é nu bello parlare!». Il contatto linguistico Italia-Argentina in Moneda Falsa di Florencio Sánchez”. He’s currently attending the MA in Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. He’s interested in linguistics and translation, both literary and audiovisual.
Giulia Giorni
I graduated in Lingue, letterature, culture e traduzione at the University of Rome-Sapienza and the title of my BA thesis was "Charlotte Bronte: la trattazione della religione nel suo romanzo Jane Eyre". Now, I'm attending the last year of the MA course of Scienze linguistiche, letterarie e della traduzione. I'm interested in audiovisual, literary and theatrical translation, as well as in English language varieties.
Elisabetta La Rosa
Elisabetta La Rosa attended the BA course in “Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione” at “Sapienza University of Rome” and graduated with a thesis in English Literature. She is currently working on her MA thesis concerning the use of English varieties in filmic and theatrical adaptations of Shakespeare’s tragedy Antony and Cleopatra. Interested in audio-visual and literary translation, she aspires to work in the cinema industry as a dubber and translator.
Noemi Molinaro
Noemi Molinaro attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. She wrote her thesis on "Indice dei nomi e dei luoghi dei Cuadernos de Todo di Carmen Martín Gaite". She is now a MA student of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione. She is also interested in writing, and particularly in how people create fiction by shaping language: theatre, novel, poetry and cinema.
Ludovica Mucci
Ludovica Mucci attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione at University of Rome –La Sapienza. She wrote her BA thesis on the analysis of metaphorical constructions in the political speeches of four British Prime Ministers. Her interests include audiovisual translation, sociolinguistics, linguistics applied to political discourse and gender issues. She is currently attending the MA course in English Literature and Language.
Ludovica Palumbo
Ludovica Palumbo attended the BA course of Lingue e Culture Straniere at Università degli Studi di Perugia, where she studied English, Spanish and Portuguese. She lived her Erasmus experience in Lisbon, where she attended the School of Arts and Humanities at Universidade de Lisboa - FLUL (Faculdade de Letras).She wrote her BA thesis on migrant writers in Italian literature, focusing on the literary production of the Brazilian writer Christiana de Caldas Brito, whom she personally interviewed. Ludovica is now attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. She is mainly interested in translation. She loves travelling and exploring foreign cultures, languages and literatures.
Gianmarco Perna
Gianmarco Perna graduated in Languages, Cultures, Literature, Translation at Sapienza University of Rome in 2018 and is now a MA student. His BA thesis focused on Phonetic Variations and Sociolinguistics in Contemporary Commercial Music. He’s most interested in Sociophonetics, Stylistics and Cognitive Linguistics.
Michela Piccione
Michela Piccione attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Literature, Traduzione at University of Rome-Sapienza. She wrote her BA thesis on the use of Black English in literature, particularly in Mark Twain’s novels. She is now attending the MA course of English and Anglo American Studies. Michela is interested in audiovisual translation and in British and American language varieties. She is currently working on her MA thesis on the use of Black English in films and tv series.
Loredana Potroghir
My name is Loredana Potroghir and I attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University in Rome and the title of my BA thesis was “Analisi del romanzo Aurora Roja scritto da Pio Baroja”. I’m currently attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University. I’m interested in Anglo-American Literature, Linguistics and Translation.
Marta Quaranta
Marta Quaranta graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna with a thesis titled "Irony in Oliver Twist and its re-contextualization in the Portuguese translation of Machado de Assis". She is interested in literature and tv adaptations of classic novels. After a year in London, she developed an interest in English varieties, especially British dialects, which led her to the choice of writing her MA thesis on the different accents and dialects in the famous tv series Game of Thrones, analyzing how these accents and dialects are transposed in the Italian dubbing and in the Portuguese subtitling.
Alessandra Sammarco
Alessandra Sammarco holds a BA degree and is now a MA student of English language, translation, and literature at Sapienza University of Rome. BA thesis was devoted to the topic of bilingualism and in particular the case of Alto Adige – Südtirol. Other interests include audiovisual translation, didactics of English language and literature, and translation analysis.
Antonella Serra
Antonella Serra has a BA in Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione. She wrote her BA thesis on a contemporary theatre adaptation of Shakespeare’s King Lear. She is currently attending the MA course of Scienze linguistiche, letterarie e della traduzione at Sapienza - University of Rome. She is interested in English literature, linguistics, modern adaptations of classic literature as well as literary and audiovisual translation.
Serena Tamburella
Serena Tamburella attended the BA course of Linguistic and Cultural Mediation at Roma Tre University, with a final dissertation in English Language entitled "Il sottotitolaggio nell'apprendimento linguistico dell'inglese", which focused on the role of subtitles in English language learning and with how they can help students in foreign language conversation. She is currently attending the MA course of Scienze linguistiche, letterarie e della traduzione at Sapienza University in Rome. She is interested in audiovisual and literary translation, translation analysis and didactics of English language and literature.
Maria Teresa Vastante
As a student, she is attending the Master Degree Course in Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione in 2018 at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome with a final dissertation in English Literature entitled “Traduzione di ‘Anatomy of a Suicide’ di Alice Birch”. She is currently working on her MA thesis in linguistics on Elizabethan translation. Maria Teresa is interested in audiovisual, literary and theatrical translation but also in literature, linguistics and sociolinguistics.
Laura Zampella
Laura Zampella attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letteratura, Traduzione at University of Rome-Sapienza. She wrote her BA thesis on the role of Margaret Atwood's novels in the development of Canadian literature. She is now attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. Laura is currently working on her MA thesis on poetry and Gianna Patriarca's style. She is interested in Canadian literature, especially poetry.
Luca Valleriani
Luca Valleriani is co-coordinator of the Dialects in Audiovisual project. His main research interests are sociolinguistics and the analysis of telecinematic dialogue. Both his BA and MA theses were devoted to dialects: “The dialectal varieties of British English in audiovisual translation” (BA) and “History of the social and regional varieties of English: a comparison between literature, cinema and TV” (MA). He also holds a PhD in English Studies (Sapienza University of Rome) and upper-class English in both fiction and real-life dialogues is the topic of his doctoral research. Other research interests include audiovisual and intersemiotic translation and parts of his research have been presented at various international conferences. Luca is also part of the editorial team of Status Quaestionis, journal of the department of European, American and Intercultural Studies at Sapienza University
Maria Aufiero
Maria Aufiero attended the BA course of Lingue e Culture del Mondo Moderno at University of Rome –La Sapienza. She wrote her BA thesis in Anglo-American Literature titled “Francis Scott Fitzgerald e il lato oscuro dell'American Dream”. She is now an MA student of Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione. She is interested in the varieties of British and American English and in audiovisual and literary translation.
Leonardo Baiocco
Leonardo Baiocco was born in 1986 in Ancona, where he attended secondary school. When he was 22 he moved to Buenos Aires where he attended the first years of University and worked as a barman. In 2012 he moved to Rome and studied languages at Sapienza University. He got his BA degree in 2016 with a 110 mark and started to work as a translator. After a period spent in Lisbon where he worked as a call centre operator, he came back to Rome where he has been attending the MA course in languages at Sapienza.
Federico Balducci
Federico Balducci wrote his BA thesis on "Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation: alienation and translation”. He is now an MA student of Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione. He is interested in the varieties of British and American English and in audiovisual translation.
Giulia Caccetta
As a student, she is attending the Master Degree Course of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2018, she received her Bachelor's Degree in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation at Roma Tre University, with a final dissertation in German Philology entitled “L'esilio nella letteratura anglosassone: temi e formule”. She is interested in audiovisual translation, sociolinguistics and second language acquisition.
Verdiana Carpinelli
Verdiana Carpinelli is a MA student of Scienze linguistiche, letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza - University of Rome in English and German. She spent one year in the United Kingdom with the Erasmus project and wrote there her BA thesis on the literary genius of Jonathan Swift. At the moment, she is concluding her second Erasmus period in Germany while working on her MA thesis. Personal academic interests include the study of the English language and literature, audiovisual translation, applied- and sociolinguistics.
Margherita Cinone
Margherita Cinone is currently attending the master’s degree in Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University and she studies English and Russian. She attended her bachelor’s degree also at Sapienza, and wrote a thesis about the Russian short story, focalizing in particular on Čechov’s writing style. She is interested in English accents, Russian literature and novels in general.
Saba Dashti
I attended the BA course of English Literature at KIAU in Iran and graduated with a research on “Imagery and Symbolism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland”. I am currently attending the MA course in English and Anglo-American studies at Sapienza University in Rome. I am interested in linguistics, British and American Literature and language, as well as translation, the field I used to work in professionally back in Iran.
Martina De Biasio
De Biasio Martina attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University. She wrote a BA thesis based on an ecocritical analysis of John Clare’s and William Wordsworth’s poetry (“L’esistenzialismo naturale in Wordsworth e Clare: due visioni parallele). She is currently attending a MA course in English and Anglo-American studies. She is interested in English and Anglo-American poetry, cinema and musicals.
Clara De Paolis
Clara De Paolis attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University in Rome and she is currently attending the MA course in English and Anglo-American Studies. She is interested in audiovisual and literary translation, and she has a huge passion for British culture, cinema and fantasy books.
Paolo D'Indinosante
Paolo D’Indinosante is an MA student at Sapienza University of Rome, from which he holds a BA degree. He wrote his BA thesis on the competing ideologies and epistemologies in Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man (“Dio, Natura, Scienza. An Essay on Man di Alexander Pope”). He is currently working on his MA thesis on poetry and the British Empire. He is interested in British literature, especially poetry, and stylistics.
Aylar Fakhri Eslami
I am doing my Masters degree at Sapienza University of Rome in English and Anglo-American Studies and I have received my BA in Language and English Literature at the University of Tabriz, Iran. I am interested in American Literature but also in translation studies. I have done a number of official translations in my mother-tongue.
Vendula Fucci
Vendula Fucci is a Czech, living and studying in Italy. She attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at Sapienza University in Rome, and graduated with a thesis on Translation in Czech of a short story “Lo Scialle Andaluso” written by Elsa Morante. She is currently attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione. She is interested in literary translation, sociolinguistics, and L2 acquisition.
Gaia Garganese
Gaia Garganese attended the BA course of Culture delle Lingue Moderne e del Turismo at the Università degli studi Aldo Moro in Bari. Her BA thesis attempted to prove the superiority of dubbing in the field of audiovisual translation. She is currently a MA student at Sapienza University of Rome for the course English and Anglo-American Studies.
Rosa Giliberti
Rosa Giliberti studied for her BA at L'Orientale University of Naples and graduated with a thesis on audiovisual translation, with a particular focus on the differences between professional subtitling and fansubbing. She attended the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome and wrote her thesis on the audio description techniques used in Italy and in some English-speaking countries. She is interested in audiovisual translation, especially regarding television content.
Francesca Grillini
Francesca Grillini attended the BA of “Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione” at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She received the Bachelor’s Degree in 2018 with a final dissertation in English Literature entitled: “Hamlet almost live” La messinscena di Lyndsey Turner tra palcoscenico e grande schermo. She is now attending the MA course “Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione” at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She is particularly interested in literature and literary translation.
Federica Margiotti
Federica Margiotti is interested in cinema, literature, football and running. She attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature e traduzione, graduating with a thesis on “The Victorian Supernatural”. She is now working on her MA thesis “The Early Modern English Lexicography”, focusing on the dictionaries of John Florio and Robert Cawdrey.
Michela Moretti
Michela Moretti studied for her BA at Roma Tre University and the title of her thesis was "A Study on Holmes – How and how much has the most famous detective changed from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s book to the celebrated BBC TV series?". She is interested in the varieties of British English, loves cinema and literature but is especially fond of TV series, Sherlock being, needless to say, her favourite one.
Nina Niniashvili
My name is Nina Niniashvili, I attended the BA course of Humanitarian Sciences in English Philology at Georgian National University, and the title of my BA thesis was ”Principles of text analysis and interpretation’’. I am currently attending the MA course of English and Anglo-American studies at Sapienza University of Rome. I am interested in American literature and also translation studies.
Carlotta Oliaro
Carlotta got her BA in Lingue e Mediazione Linguistico-Culturale at Roma Tre University and wrote her thesis on the analysis and translation of two of Salinger's unedited texts. She is now attending the MA course in English and Anglo-American Studies at Sapienza University of Rome. Her main interests are in music, literature, TV series and cats.
Flavia Patti
Flavia Patti holds a BA degree in Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione. Her BA thesis focused on the anthropological look in Middlemarch by George Eliot and the role of science in that novel. She is currently attending the MA course of Scienze linguistiche, letterarie e della traduzione at Sapienza University in Rome. She is interested in audiovisual and literary translation, and varieties of English. Her interests also include dystopian and young adult literature.
Greta Petrucci
Greta Petrucci attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letteratura, Traduzione at University of Rome-Sapienza. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione in 2018 at Sapienza University of Rome with a final dissertation in English Literature entitled “Raccontare Shakespeare: il Macbeth nel mondo dei bambini e dei giovani adulti”. She is now attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. Greta Petrucci is interested in audiovisual, literary and theatrical translation but also in literature, linguistics and sociolinguistics.
Alena Ponomareva
My name is Alena Ponomareva. I was born in Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, 03/05/1994. I have a bachelor`s degree in «Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages» (Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute). At the moment I am studying for a master`s degree in English and Anglo-American Studies (Sapienza, Rome).
Elisabetta Qualandri
Elisabetta Qualandri is a MA student at Sapienza University of Rome. She wrote her BA thesis on experiential marketing. Her interests include translation, sociolinguistics and linguistics applied to marketing and social world. She is currently working on her MA thesis on the emotional theatre.
Antonio Rossi
Antonio Rossi holds a bachelor's degree from Roma Tre University, where he studied English and Portuguese languages by attending the course of Lingue e Traduzione Interculturale. In 2015, through the Erasmus Programme, he attended the Universidade do Minho in Braga. He graduated in 2017 with a thesis based on a comparison between the Italian author Giuseppe Berto and the Portuguese Nobel Prize for Literature José Saramago. Among his main interests is the study of foreign cultures and literatures, with a particular attention for those related to English-speaking countries. Antonio Rossi is currently attending a specialized degree course in English and Anglo-American studies at La Sapienza University.
Elisa Sartarelli
Elisa Sartarelli is a MA student of Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome. She has a BA in Lingue e Letterature Moderne at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome with a final dissertation in English Literature entitled ‘Il mondo di Frances Hodgson Burnett: The Secret Garden, Little Lord Fauntleroy e A Little Princess’. She is also a journalist and an English, French and German teacher in private schools.
Giuliana Siracusano
Giuliana Siracusano attended the BA course of Mediazione Linguistica e Interculturale at Sapienza University. She wrote her thesis on the Italian translation of the fantasy novel, A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin. She is interested in literary and audiovisual translation, dialects and varieties of English. She is currently writing her MA thesis on the translation of George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion.
Faezeh Tavousi
Faezeh Tavousi attended the BA course of English translation in Iran and her MA course in Iran was teaching English as a foreign language. She wrote her MA thesis on “the Effect of E-portfolio Assessment on Writing ability and Autonomy in Esfahan University. She is currently attending MA course of English and Angola American studies. She is interested in British literature.
Andrea Vallone
Andrea Vallone attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letteratura, Traduzione at University of Rome-Sapienza. He wrote his BA thesis on T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound entitled “On Margate Sands: genesi di The Waste Land”. He is now attending the MA course of Scienze Linguistiche Letterarie e della Traduzione at Sapienza University of Rome. He is currently working on his MA thesis on T.S. Eliot’s poetry and his imaginary. Andrea is interested in English (and comparative) literature, modernist poetry and fiction and in theory of literature.
Rosie Worfolk
Rosie Worfolk attended the BA course of Lingue, Culture, Letterature, Traduzione at the University of Rome –La Sapienza. She wrote her BA thesis on “Teaching Methods for English as a Second Language”, in which she analysed the main teaching methods and conducted a survey on the methods adopted by English teachers in Italian High Schools. She has always been interested in linguistics and language acquisition techniques. She is a fan of novels and films set in the English countryside and with historical backgrounds. She is currently attending the MA course in Scienze Linguistiche, Letterarie e della Traduzione.